Land of contrasts
Rio de Janeiro, Trancoso & Salvador de Bahia

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    Brazil offers a seductive human « land of contrasts » The history of Brazil is marked by several important diasporas (waves of Portuguese settlers, Africans durant the slave trade, European and Japanese “Great Immigration” at the end of the 19th century, etc.). These population movements form the basis of an active intermingling of society, which proudly claims this mosaic of cultures.


    For lovers of contemporary art, you will discover the Inhotim, the largest open-air contemporary art museum in South America, that brings together sculptures, paintings and art installations by national and international artists, as well as a collection of tropical plants.


    « Everywhere you look, in Rio, he is amazed. » There is no more beautiful city in the world – those qui have seen it will not contradict me – et none is so inexhaustible et so inextricable. You never stop discovering it. The sea has formed strange zigzags from its coasts, and the mountains have erected prodigious screens. You always come up against new corners, the streets intersect at irregular angles, you lose your direction all the time. When you think you’ve reached a terminus, you’re at a new beginning. […] The amiable sweetness and languor of Rio, the musicality of Guanabara, that clear city with its admirable bay, are replaced in São Paulo by a strong and powerful rhythm, like the pulse of a runner who is intoxicated by his own speed. Beauty is replaced by energy, which is scarcer and more valuable in tropical areas than elsewhere. « And, most importantly, this city knows that it must finally take on a face. »


    Stefan Zweig, Brazil, Land of the Future (1941)


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    The largest and most populous country in Latin America
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