Tokyo, Naoshima, Kyoto
From 27 May to 6 June 2025

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    Japan, a country with a thousand faces, embodies exceptional cultural and artistic wealth. From its ancestral traditions to its contemporary art forms, it offers a kaleidoscope of creativity. But what gives Japan an even more special aura are its magnificent gardens, veritable living works of art.


    The itinerary of your stay in Japan will be divided between Kyoto, Nara, Naoshima and Tokyo.


    Kyoto, the former imperial capital, is a cultural treasure trove of temples, Zen gardens and geishas. Nara, the historic cradle of Japan, is famous for its free-roaming deer and ancient temples. Naoshima is a contemporary art lover’s paradise, home to museums and installations by renowned artists. Tokyo, the bustling capital, blends tradition and modernity. Its futuristic skyscrapers stand alongside thousand-year-old temples, and its lively districts are home to contemporary art galleries.


    In 2025, a major artistic event, the Setouchi Triennale, returns to showcase talent from the country and around the world. This event promises to be a unique opportunity to celebrate art in all its forms.

    Cultural and historical treasures, a change of scenery at every turn
    The program
    Kyoto's Gardens
    May 2025
    Nara, former imperial capital
    May 2025
    Cultural pilgrimage, Naoshima
    May 2025
    Meeting with Takeda, Art Basel Japan, Tokyo
    May 2025
    Visit to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field by Kitagawa Fram
    June 2025

    The former imperial capital of Japan, Kyoto is a cultural and historical treasure trove.


    At the heart of this city steeped in tradition, gardens occupy a central place. Most of Kyoto’s many green spaces are associated with temples, shrines, villas or imperial complexes. Their Zen aesthetic and tranquillity bring a profound sense of serenity.


    The most exclusive (a cover letter in Japanese is required to apply for a visit!) is the famous Moss Garden, or Saihō-ji. It is distinguished by its peaceful atmosphere and lush vegetation. In this haven of peace, 120 varieties of moss cover the ground, century-old trees stand majestically, and the ponds reflect the serenity of the place. Usually closed to the public, you’ll have the chance to wander through it accompanied by its gardener.


    Each of these gardens tells a story, reflects an era and offers a unique experience. Kyoto, with its wealth of vegetation, is a veritable haven of peace for souls in search of harmony and beauty.


    Formerly known as Heijo-kyo, Nara was Japan’s first permanent imperial capital. Despite its short existence of just 14 years, Nara marked an artistic and cultural boom. Today, the city is home to numerous World Heritage sites: the historic monuments of ancient Nara, the Buddhist monuments of the Horyuji region (home to the oldest wooden buildings in the world) and the pilgrimage routes in the Kii mountain range. Nara is also a natural park home to thousands of sacred deer, symbols of the city.


    Naoshima, a small island in the Seto Inland Sea, is an artistic gem. Once exploited as an industrial site by the Mitsubishi company, the former mining town has been transformed into an art capital thanks to the initiative of the chairman of the Benesse company, Soichiro Fukutake. In collaboration with architect Tadao Ando, Naoshima has become the “Benesse Art Site Naoshima”, bringing together contemporary art museums, architectural buildings and outdoor sculptures. One of the island’s must-sees is the Benesse House Museum, which stands on a point on the south coast. Its conceptual concrete architecture houses priceless works of art… a hotel where you’ll be lucky enough to stay! Naoshima, once deserted, is now a world cultural pilgrimage destination.


    Art in Tokyo is not limited to museums and galleries: the city itself is a constantly evolving work of art. As soon as you set foot in Tokyo, you’re immediately plunged into a teeming artistic universe, where the streets become living canvases where colours and shapes mingle.


    You will have the opportunity to meet Natane Takeda, VIP curator of Art Basel Japan, for a tour of the city. Her invaluable explanations will give you the keys you need to understanding Tokyo’s contemporary art.


    Far from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, the Echigo-Tsumari Art Field lies in Niigata prefecture. Kitagawa Fram, general manager of the Echigo-Tsumari Art Fiel and Naoshima Triennale, will guide you on an exceptional tour of this art centre nicknamed “the Naoshima of the mountains“. This art festival, with its 20-year history, stretches over 750km2, making it the largest open-air exhibition in the world. The works of art wait in the heart of nature, inviting visitors on artistic walks.

    Information about this trip
    In charge of the destination
    Pauline Heckly
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