Germany and Austria
Bavarian Alps - Jonas Kaufmann, Ermonela Jaho and Yusif Eyvazov
From 17 April to 21 April 2025

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    Why choose between Bavaria and Tyrol when you can have both? Especially during the Easter period, when chocolate hares and delicious Osterbrot fill the shelves. In Munich, the markets and streets are full of painted eggs. In the Austrian Alps, tradition is in full swing during Holy Week, with processions and festivities of all kinds. Innsbruck is decked out with Easter decorations and markets, while the Passionspielhaus in Erl stages a re-enactment of the last moments in the life of Christ every 6 years (until 2025).


    The repertory theatre that is the Bayerische Staatsoper confirms its prestige, with first-rate singers, even for its revivals – Ermonela Jaho and Yusif Eyvazov in Puccini’s rare Manon Lescaut. The Erl Festival, directed by star tenor Jonas Kaufmann, finds a fitting programme, with the St Matthew Passion and Parsifal. Bach’s delicate yet powerful oratorio is performed on Good Friday, just as it was at its premiere.

    From Munich to Erl, a symphony of the Alps with Jonas Kaufmann and Irene Roberts
    The program
    Munich - Manon Lescaut
    April 17th, 2025
    Erl Festival - Passion selon Saint Matthieu
    April 18th, 2025
    Erl Festival - Parsifal
    April 20th, 2025
    The detailed program will soon be unveiled
    MANON LESCAUT, in Munich

    After Auber and Massenet, it was Puccini’s turn to adapt Abbé Prévost’s novel on his return from Bayreuth in the 1890s, in what was to be his first great public success. He would say that, unlike his predecessors, he saw the heroine “like an Italian, consumed by passion”. The result is a structure in four acts separated by ellipses, like so many stages in the exile of Manon and Des Grieux.


    The St Matthew Passion takes up two chapters of the Gospel, from the Last Supper to the burial of Jesus, including his appearance before the high priest and his crucifixion on Mount Golgotha. This oratorio alternates narrative recitatives, arias crystallising the action (in the style of opera seria) and weightless Lutheran chorales.

    PARSIFAL, at Erl Festival

    The mystery of Parsifal is one of the best-kept secrets in the repertoire. The combination of instrumental timbres provides an unprecedented aural experience, where “time becomes space”, as Gurnemanz says in the first act. Everything lies in the orchestra’s dramaturgy, brought to its climax. Wagner’s libretto, infused with multiple inspirations, is as much about spirituality as it is about responsibility.

    Information about this trip
    In charge of the destination
    Pauline Heckly
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